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About Us

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" To strengthen the health systems in the country by establishing and leveraging a network of healthcare professionals and thereby making a significant contribution to the achievement of health-related Millennium Development Goals. "


To establish a network of healthcare professionals across the country, which will be a platform for

  • "Bridging the needy in the rural areas and volunteer medical experts for medical outreach camps and capacity building of rural healthcare workers. "
  • " Cross-learning."
  • " Building a repository of best health/medical practices. "
  • " Enabling the members to function as an interdisciplinary team for working in areas of common and public interest. "
  • " Delivering effective healthcare delivery mechanisms to the last mile clients by fy leveraging technology. "


  • " Transparent and accountable in dealings with the government, community, donors and other stakeholders "
  • " Integrate gender sensitization into our human resource and promote non-discrifninatory working practices "
  • " Develop and promote clear and measurable impact indicators for our intervention in order to gauge relevance and effectiveness "
  • " See our efforts as a means for people and communities to solve their problems by themselves "
  • " Respect the indigenous knowledge, the dignity and identity of individuals and their culture, faith and values "
  • " Conform to the constitution, law, rules and regulations of India "
  • " Strive to maintain our autonomy and resist conditionality's that may compromise our missions and principles "


" Creating an ecosystem for rural health with a special focus on diseases impacting more than 1% of the population. A special focus is on eye care, maternal and child care, as wellas nutrition including anti-anaemia, de-worming, kitchen gardens and more. Ensuring access to reliable primary healthcare services through trained cadre of 2500 Community Health Workers and building a strong connect between the community and government services. "


" Every individual should be empowered to live a healthy and productive life. "


" At SAMARPAN MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL- Health & Nutrition, we want to ensure universal access to public and private health care services for its rural communities and needy. "